Contact Us

We’ll help you find the perfect colocation solution in Montreal.


Frequently Asked Questions

How much power is provided by 1 power plug?

The base 1U pricing includes 100W and pricing for 2U and above includes 230W.

All power feeds are 230V.

What is the bandwidth limit for the base offers?

The basic 100Mb/s port is unmetered. You can use it as much as you want. Please note that the bandwidth is on a “best effort” basis.

Is there any install fee?

For 12 month contracts, installation is free.

Where is located your data center?

Our main data center is in a 15 MW colocation site located in Montreal. We collaborate with Hive Data Center for many projects.

Can I use the 2nd power plug for more power?

No, the second power plug is for redundancy if your server has 2 power supplies.

Can I access the data center?

You may access the data center 24/7 with a visitor access. Charges apply.

Can you rack the server for me?

Yes, contact-us for shipping details and we’ll include the installation in our pricing.